I have been praying for God to show me how to spread His word to believers and non-believers. (I am not very good at sharing my testimony face to face.) During church on Sunday, I realized that I spend a lot of time on the computer as do most people I know. I am on the computer a lot for not only my job and masters program, but also during my free time. I love to
The last few weeks the pastor at my church has delivered some great messages that I feel God had just for me. This past Sunday's message was titled: You get what you pay for. To sum it up, we should love God the most, make God the priority in our lives, take up our own cross and follow Christ, and give up every thing for Him. So, I am taking up my cross and following Christ. I am hoping you will join me!!
Each day, I will post a verse and explain what it means to me. I am praying that God's word will touch you as it does for me.
I want to leave you with a verse that started this blog: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Matthew 28:19.
I think this is wonderful! :) We started going to church back at the end of October and I joined the Ladies Bible group. It has been a huge blessing for me in my life. I am excited to follow your new blog!